Friday, August 17, 2012

Peach Freezer Jam

The local peaches had just ripened and the Certo was purchased...about 2 months ago.  The 1 cup Ziploc Freezer containers and the sugar, also were ready to go.  Peach Freezer Jam is the last jam of the trio to find its place on the top shelf in our freezer.  Yum!  

Each package of Certo contains the directions.  The directions must be followed exactly.  We all take a short cut here and another there while cooking, but when making Freezer Jam, definitely follow the directions.  By doing so there will be no disappointments.

My Janome has been humming this week, so I did not even think about taking a photo.  There's always an ongoing sewing project!  :) 
(File Photo)
After the 24 hour time period had ended...into the freezer the Freezer Jam went! 

I do find that one batch of the peach flavored jam can yield 1-2 more 1 cup containers than the directions state.  Sometimes, the extra 1/2 cup jam is poured into a custard cup and covered with foil to wait out the 24 hours with the other containers.  The custard cup of jam is refrigerated and enjoyed during the week.  Click here for more helpful hints. 

Freezer Jam is absolutely delicious!  As you can tell, I'm not partial whatsoever to the commercially produced jams/jellies that are sold in the supermarkets.  It's wonderful to have pieces of fruit visible in jams that taste great!

Do you make Freezer Jam?  It's easy to make and tastes sooo goood!


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