Sunday, July 30, 2017

Colors in July

Salmon Daylilies
with Marigolds
For the past 2+ weeks our Salmon Daylilies have blossomed!  Suddenly, each morning there were 36+ blossoms to enjoy.  Every vibrant color of summer flowers are always a welcomed sight!  Some are perennials & a few others are annuals.  The Irises already blossomed, but the graceful green foliage add another shade of green to our lawn.   

Another View

A closer look-

Front Perennial Garden
with Marigolds

The saved Zinnia seeds were planted this spring.  Now, they are beginning to blossom.

Zinnias & Marigolds

Each week the view is a bit different, but always colorful & filled with flowers! 


1 comment:

Pam said...

Pretty, pretty, Judy! Nothing beats the gorgeous flowers like yours in the summertime! Have a fun-filled week!