Friday, August 23, 2024

Colors on a Late Summer Day!

Appreciating the colors of a late Summer day!

It's a beautiful August day in Massachusetts! The time of year to appreciate the bountiful harvest of colorful flowers in our yard. Soon, it will be time to collect the Zinnia blossoms to dry out and harvest the seeds for next year's vibrant crop. This is a tradition with me from my childhood.

The Black- Eyed Susans (Rudbeckia), Vinca, Zinnias, Dahlias, Roses and Hydrangeas continue to blossom. Before we know it the season will change. Then these colorful flowers will be a wonderful memory. A memory that we hope to repeat next year!

Happy Gardening!


Sunday, August 18, 2024

~Freezing Green Pepper Strips~

Green Pepper Strips and Chunks
ready for the freezer

It was raining outside today, so it was perfect timing to prep the "buy local" Green Peppers for the freezer! They were purchased 3 days ago and just waiting in the fridge for me to get started. It's always great to take a small bag of previously washed/ cut pepper strips out of the larger freezer bag whenever I need them as an ingredient for prepping dinner.

It is also very easy to prep this fresh veggie. Click here for my instructions!  

They come in very handy in the cold winter months!


Monday, August 5, 2024

Cheesy Veggie Chicken

Cheesy Veggie Chicken

A quick and easy dinner is always appreciated any day! Do you have a few pieces of cooked Chicken? Got cooked Rice? Do you have frozen Peas, a can of Cream of Mushroom Soup and shredded Taco Cheese? These are the ingredients. If I have sauteed Mushrooms in the freezer, I defrost them and add them in, too.

**Now, when I make a batch of Rice to serve during dinner I freeze the half that we do not eat. Then, when needed I defrost the Rice quickly in the microwave. It comes in very handy to use in this recipe.

If you do not already have cooked Rice, this is my easy recipe for preparing Rice. Freeze the other half to use in the future.  

This is a very tasty dinner during any season of the year.  

Cheesy Veggie Chicken


(1) Cup of Cooked Rice
Cooked Chicken- cut into bite size pieces
(1) bag of frozen Peas- (12- 16 ounce bag)
(1) can Cream of Mushroom Soup- can be low salt
1/3 Cup of Cold Water
1 Cup shredded Taco Cheese


  1. Microwave bag of frozen Peas.
  2. Spray a microwave baking dish (about 5" x 10") with PAM.
  3. Place cooked Rice in dish, spreading evenly.
  4. Place cooked Peas and cooked Chicken on top.
  5. Combine Cream of Mushroom Soup and Water.
  6. Spoon mixture over Rice, Chicken and Peas.
  7. Sprinkle (1) Cup of Taco Cheese over top.
  8. Cover with plastic wrap, leaving an opening at one corner to vent.
  9. Microwave on High for 9 Minutes and 30 seconds- until hot and bubbly.
  10. Serve! 

It is amazing how quickly this dinner comes together.  
