Wednesday, September 18, 2024

~Mid September~

Chilly mornings! Warm afternoons with the sun shining! It's mid September and it is a great time of year. The locally grown zucchini and tomatoes are still available to purchase from garden markets and road side stands in our area. Colorful Mums are also found at these markets. The yellow, maroon, white or lavender flowers add a great touch to the landscape around our homes.

Butternut Squash are also ready to purchase now! That veggie is a fave in my family, so a bushel (now packed in a carton) is always purchased. The orange veggies will be peeled/ steamed and packed away in our freezer to enjoy during the colder months. Yes, Butternut Squash will also find its way on our dinner table this week! 

It is a great time of year!


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