Monday, July 16, 2012

A Blueberry Weekend!

It was my kind of weekend! No, I never did sit in front of my Janome to work on the pillow shams.  No, our sons did not unexpectedly drop in nor did I get a dose of culture at a museum.  This kind of weekend involved "elbow grease" and it's a weekend that occurs every year each summer.   It's Blueberry season!  When the local blueberries are ripe, it's time to make Blueberry Freezer Jam!  Yum!  Currently, 2 batches are sitting undisturbed on our Dining Room table.  Yesterday was a HHH kind of day and as I was stirring the crushed Blueberries, Sugar, Lemon Juice and Certo, I thought back to the "old days" when stirring jam over a hot stove was my only option.  On  these HHH days I rarely heat the oven to bake. Needless to say Freezer Jams are my way to prepare jams. Recipe link.
Blueberry Freezer Jam

After purchasing my supply of Blueberries on Saturday, many pints were cleaned, packed, labelled and stored in our large freezer.  It's wonderful to defrost a Ziploc Freezer Bag of Blueberries to bake Yummy Blueberry Muffins in the frigid colder months.  Recipe link.
Yummy Blueberry Muffins
(File Photo)
Oh definitely Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes were served for breakfast yesterday AM!  Recipe link.  It's great to have the extra pancakes in the freezer to enjoy for breakfast on other mornings!  There are also Blueberries for snacking!  

This past weekend was a Blueberry Weekend!  Do you enjoy Blueberries?



Pam said...

Yes, I really enjoy blueberries too! I have frozen many pints so far but have never made jam. Thanks for the recipe! Those muffins look pretty tasty!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh how I love blueberries! I always freeze some in small ziplocks when they are in season. They are so good on top of hot oatmeal later on!